Saturday, February 13, 2016

Love needs action

Love between two people has been and always will be a verb and as such is requires action. That means both parties need to make it crystal clear just how much they love one another, honestly if a person is constantly saying that they love you and no action is taking place (whether it's big or small) that is just not going to work out.

Being vulnerable can seem like somewhat of a weakness to some people but in any real relationship vulnerability is needed to strengthen the bond forged between two people. As you begin to dive into those deeper emotions you begin to find and hopefully accept each others authentic *self*.

listening is a vital part of any relationship, nobody wants to be with someone that does not listen to them. With listening comes understanding and with that problems within the relationship can be addressed and fixed (which is always good while in a relationship of course). Listening and communication go hand in hand and it should be equal so that one partner does not feel overburdened by the other. listening is love.

Relationships are all about harmony and as such only when both people are *happy* can it finally be somewhat harmonious, and even though disagreements will still pop up from time to time it will be easier for the relationship to weather them and find a peaceful resolution. If one side of the equation is feeling less than content with how things are going the balance is beginning to shift in the wrong direction. It takes two happy people to forge a happy relationship.

A person who is literally making you feel as if they have an advantage over you in the relationship will always be a bad thing. Under no circumstance should you feel neglected or feel like a maid (Picking up after your spouse constantly and alone), it hurts to be taken for granted and quite simply the person who is found doing this should be cut off because that's not love and its unlikely that such behavior will change.

When you truly find *the one* the way you perceive everyday life will change for the better, being in love with another is akin to looking at the same mountain from different angles and even though the view may change from time to time the object (love) is still just as beautiful and vast


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