People attached different meaning to the word "love". The major reason behind this is that there are different kinds of love that can unite one human being to another. There is love between parents and children. There is love between siblings. There is love between friends. There is love made of caring and affection but devoid of sexual feelings. And there is the kind of love we call romantic love.
Nathaniel Branden says that love is the experience of joy in the existence of loved object, joy in proximity, and joy in interaction or involvement. This love's definition is good, however, love is not just a feeling of the heart, a decision of the mind or a behavioural response; it involves all three modes of expression. Love is the emotional response to that which we value highly and to love another human being is to know and be known by them. Love is also attitudes about oneself and others, a decision to commit oneself to the loved one.
Love consist the following feelings: - Warm enjoyment, - Companionship, - Highly sexualise, - Admiration, - Respect and caring.
Myth of Love - irrational beliefs about love.
There are problems nowadays with the word "love". "Love" has become one of the most misused and misunderstood word in our language. The irrational beliefs about love now prevent us from coming to an adequate understanding of what genuine love really is. Many young people, especially young woman think that relationships work in reality like they do in romance novels and movies. They think that a relationship comes easily with plenty of romance and happy endings.
Therefore majority of our women are being led astray when love is viewed as a delightful passion and priceless emotional gift. There, you will see man and woman who are not only emotional involved but also sexually attracted to each other without true love. And before you know it they get married without genuine love in them.
Below are the areas where love is being sabotaged by our myths. - Love is blind when a person falls in love by simply accepts the other person without any conscious awareness of the weaknesses, differences, or short comings. A lover who sacrificed his two eyes... is best example. - Love is external when love is beyond our control. A lady that was raped and eventually turned into pregnant woman has to accept the fate. Being in love does not require a decision on her part, because love just hits her unexpectedly; it is her destiny!
For a perfect relationship to be achieved at home there should be these Three Components of Love - intimacy, passion, and commitment.
Intimacy refers to the feelings of closeness, connectedness and bonding that you may experience in a love relationship. If truly you are in good term with others you must desire to promote the welfare of the people around you primarily your spouse. You can only relate to a person when he or she is in the good mood. Make people by meeting their needs. Ensure to make your spouse happy at every time. Listening build trust, therefore, ready to listen to any complaint brought by your spouse and give emotional support as required from you. This brings you honor having high regard for him or her, because you have already built high quality relationships with them.
You will also agree with me that having intimate communication with the loved one helps most of the time. Imagine a married man working like a clock without stop and create less attention on his family affairs. How will he has intimacy with his wife at home? As it is in a man so will have in a woman. A woman that is found in the habit of going to several ceremonies here and there will have no time to discuss with her husband at home.
Gbenga samuel
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