Everyone has a different idea of who and what is a soul mate, but there is one thing for certain: your soul mate is the ideal person to spend your life with.
Finding true love is a journey - sometimes a long one. But when you do come across that one special person who is destined to be with you, you wonder how you lived without them for so long.
Some Important Aspects of a Soul Mate
Although everybody's experiences and expectations are different, you can't deny that there are some common aspects of a soul mate relationship. These include:
1. The ability to connect to each other without effort or hesitation.
2. Being able to totally understand each other.
3. Bringing out the best in one another by complementing each other's personality.
4. Helping each other grow through exploration, shared experiences, opinions and challenges.
Soul Mates Can Be Opposites
We all know the saying that 'opposites attract' but few people believe that true soulmates can be opposites. It all depends upon what your definition of opposite is: if it means being two totally different people with opposing beliefs and opinions then you may be right that it's unlikely to work out.
But just having different interests, views and outlooks on life can make for a highly satisfying, interesting and stimulating true love relationship.
Knowing what is a soul mate is one thing, but actually finding yours and experiencing this unique and somewhat rare occurrence is a real blessing and one that you will be eternally grateful for.
Rosie Fisher
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