Often times in a relationship you may find things have become a little stale and boring. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes what makes the relationship really gel are things you don't always think of naturally. For example many people think they always need to "spice things up" This can backfire on you. Being predictable is often more desirous in a relationship than variety. My article will deal with 7 steps that are guaranteed to grow your relationship by improving the level of trust between yourself and your partner.
As I mentioned above, you need to be somewhat predictable. By this I don't mean boring, but consider that trust in your relationship is built on your reliability from day to day. This goes against the common thought that you need to be constantly stirring things up. Of course going to a different restaurant or surprising your partner with a vacation or gift can be nice, but keep in mind that you need to keep things somewhat consistent in order for your relationship to flourish.
One of the most important aspects to consider when you think of how to build trust in a relationship is your personal communication, specifically your words and your actions. If you say you are happy but you are frowning or acting sad all the time, your words are not matching your body language and your partner will pick up on this. Your partner needs to be able to trust that you mean what you say. When your actions match your words, then you are working toward building trust in the relationship.
Thirdly, you need to possess an honest belief in the competency of your partner. If you do not, you will not have the trust that your relationship desperately needs. Although the truth hurts sometimes, when communicated in a sensitive manner, it is never destructive. Deep down inside if you do not feel that your partner is competent you are indeed violating the trust in the relationship.
Here's a biggy. Don't keep secrets from your mate. This is a sure fire way to destroy trust in any relationship. You should always be open and honest with your partner. A good assumption to make is that everything you know will eventually come out in the open. Keeping secrets just takes too much energy and its way to easy to slip up. When that happens once again you have destroyed the trust in your relationship. Better to spend that energy in to building trust in the relationship.
The fifth tip here deals with you and your needs. Don't be afraid to communicate to your mate what your needs are. Don't try and make them guess what you need. Take care of yourself, but do not become selfish. Once you begin to assert yourself in this manner your partner will then become more comfortable in communicating their needs to you and the end result is more trust in the relationship.
Sometimes it's okay to say no. It is a positive aspect when both you and your partner are communicating your needs to each other. But keep in mind that you don't always have to agree with everything especially if something makes you uncomfortable. Your partner will never respect you if you never say no. Refusing to submit to the other person's will can actually help to build trust in a relationship.
Lastly, don't be afraid to pursue change and growth within yourself. In order for you two to grow together, sometimes you have to dig in the dirt a little. This can be painful, but through that pain you are setting the stage for future growth in the relationship. Challenge the difficult and don't be afraid to grow and change.
In conclusion when you decide to take the steps to build trust in a relationship, you are bound to encounter uncomfortable scenarios and you will experience pain from time to time. These are good signs! This means that the work you are doing will definitely help to build trust in your relationship and will ultimately strengthen your bond as a couple.
Brian marshon
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