One of the most important lines and the ones which had the greatest impact on me ever-
'Never try to prove yourself right or wrong to anyone in your life. This is because those people who don't believe you are not going to believe you anyway and those who believe you shall never need any of your justifications ever.'
Is it not a wonderful thing to experience? Life would have been so less complicated when we stop judging others along with our mission of mission of proving ourselves better than the rest. This is possibly achieved not with great difficulty and does not require loads oh hard work too. It can be achieved only by such a simple thing as TRUST. Just imagine how nice it would have been if there would be no misunderstandings or doubt in any relationships. Most of the relationships breakups we have known or heard are totally based on misunderstandings. If we trusted our loved ones and never doubted them under any circumstances, many problems could be solved. Now we know why there is no need to prove ourselves. Right? We just have to keep doing our job and leave the rest to God.
Mutual understanding and trust are the two most important pillars, very essential for the establishment of a healthy relationship. All relations, be it between a parent and a child, two siblings, two friends, two colleagues, two lovers, or even two unknown people. Humanity is the best relation when there is no other name given to a relation.
As we all are very well aware that for a good infrastructure to be able to stand on its own, it has to have a very strong foundation. Similarly, if the pillars of a relationship are weak, it is not expected that it will last for a longer period and it is bound to crumble one day.
Ankita Singh
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