Have you ever held on to something so tightly with your hand that when you let go your fingers were stiff and sore? But you open your hand fully and flex your fingers and the pain is gone. That is what it is like when you let go of the world. At first it seems painful but the more you open up the greater the relief.
Love equals freedom. When we release and let go and allow another to simply BE who they are this is loving another into freedom. There is an ego consciousness belief within us that says we are unable to love another in singular relationship and still be who we are and still be the mission and life purpose we have come here to be. This belief is an illusion for in Love, in true love, love is free. Love is able to do the impossible for Love turns the impossible into I AM Possible. And in that I AM Possible we can do and BE both, we can do and BE the mission, the purpose we came here to this earth for AND love another fully and completely in singular relationship.
How is this possible you might ask? The Answer is Love once more. Love is all inclusive, Love includes all and excludes none. Ego consciousness has us exclude one or the other. The Master Artist we call as God/Spirit/Source in giving all for all loves and All That Is to BE to BE in experience gives us the infinite possibilities to create and in that we can have both singular love relationships and our purpose. In fact it is often through our singular love relationships that gives us the inspiration both individually and together to BE our mission and life purpose. And often times you end up with a common mission that you do and BE together in that singular love relationship and individually.
Remember that Love is the key to manifesting all we desire. Anything we perceive as imperfections simply is I AM Perfection. For you are whole, perfect, complete, and beautiful in each moment and so am I and in that we are here to simply share our completeness with another in singular love relationship and in all our relationships. Let go into the river of Love and in that we can have our mission and also be in love. Love is freedom, Love is inclusive. Love another into freedom in this moment always. All we have is this moment.
Dr patti Diamond
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