Thursday, July 9, 2009

Embarrassing Questions to Ask a Guy That You Must Ask Before You Commit

It seems like there's so much discussion related to guys committing to relationships. Why won't he commit? What can I do to change his mind? What exactly is he afraid of? But the truth of the matter is, evolutionarily speaking, girlfriends have a lot more to lose by committing to toxic relationships than do the opposite sex (more on that later). So how can a girl know, I mean honest to God know, if that guy she's with is worth exclusivity? Well, as a woman you probably have a number of standards, hopefully high, that filter out the losers from the keepers. Even so, there's a laundry list of embarrassing questions to ask a guy (ie your guy), not necessarily all at once, that give definitive hints that he may be worth his weight in gold. Here they are:
1.) How many other women have you been with and for how long? A high number doesn't necessarily indicate anything bad, but an upright guy should be able to recount details and emotions from each interaction. Also look for relationship length here. A one-night-stand isn't a crime. 50....that may be a different story.
2.) Have you ever had an STD? A lady's got to know. In this day and age, there's no reason why guys (and girls) shouldn't be up-front with one another about their sexual health. If your guy's hesitant or doesn't seem open to discussion, discuss your history first and go from there.
3.) What will we do if I become pregnant? Before you send your man fleeing for the hills, keep in mind that a sexually active couple, no matter how conscientious, is at an ever-present risk for pregnancy. And the sooner you have the "What do we do if we get pregnant?" discussion, the better. This is a talk many couples dread, but it's a necessary one.

Mary Jane Walker

1 comment:

Questions To Ask A Guy said...

Nice article, thanks!
Here are a few questions to ask a guy that I borrowed from Questions To Ask A Guy:

What's something you couldn't live without and why?
If you could meet someone famous, who would it be?
What's your happiest childhood memory?
What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
What's the best compliment you've ever gotten?
Would you want to be famous? For what?
What movie do you watch again and again?
If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman, how would you spend your day?

For a lot more go check out that page...