Thursday, July 9, 2009

You can make him commit

Are you seeing a certain man and you want to make him commit to you? Have you been hurt before and don't want to make the same mistakes trusting a guy who really isn't into you? Want to save yourself the heartache by convincing him to settle down and have a serious relationship with you? If you've met the guy that you think is your soul mate, of course you want to know how to make him commit to you. The following techniques are guaranteed to work, so keep reading.
A lot of women get stuck wondering which steps are the correct ones to take when it comes to making a guy want to form a committed attachment. While women are taught to believe that the ideal state to be in is within a committed relationship, men are taught to "play the field." Despite the different messages that men and women receive, both sexes what to be able to find someone whom they can build a lasting partnership with.
The first thing that you can start to do that will make him commit to you is to be assertive. You will have to figure out how to do this without coming off as aggressive. The difference is that an assertive woman can subtly point her man in the right direction without him even knowing what she is up to. On the other hand, an aggressive women will nag him and try to force him into going along with whatever he wants.
Another thing that you should be aware of is that men and woman view sex quite differently. While you may think that his willingness to start the sexual relationship means that he is also willing to make a more serious emotional commitment, you are probably wrong. Men don't quite equate love and sex the way that women do. If you want to make sure that he is serious about you and make him commit to you, you need to make him wait to have sex with you.
The last thing that you want to do is make it obvious that you are craving commitment from him. Believe it or not, men don't get turned on by woman who they know they can easily win over. Don't call him all of the time, or freak out on him if he misses a day calling you. Show him that you can live without him and that will make him seriously consider his options. Knowing that he can't live without you will make him commit to you. But he can't know that unless you give him a proper amount of space and time without you.

Tina Jones

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